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 goods outlets
Outlets selling foodstuffs in Zagazig

•Bishah Qayed: Bishah Qayed

•Shebah: next to the primary school

 •Nakhas: behind the sanitary unit

 •Al Montzah outlet: under the water tank

 •El-Geish St. outlet: the old fish market

 •Nokrashy outlet: in front of the White Palace

 •Farouk St. outlet: next to the College of Education

 •The Palace of Culture outlet: in front of the General Diwan

 •Second district: Talaat Harb St., the mosque section

 •Behnbay: Qantara Behnbay Road, Benayos

  •Al-Shobak: next to the old central •Bordin: next to the local unit

 Police food outlets
Police food outlets in Zagazig

ü  Bordien outlet: in front of Berden police station

ü  Al-Zahra outlet: the entrance to the village, Anshas Al-Basal

ü  Behnabai outlet: in front of Behnabai police station

ü  Al Zahra outlet: Al Zahraa

ü  El-Galaa St. outlet: in front of the Children's Park

ü  El-Geish Outlet: Old fish market

ü  Al-Hussainiya Outlet: the martyr pilot in Al-Husseiniyah

ü  Second district: - new bridge area, next to the railway

- Next to the Rescue Police

     -  Behind Abu Amer Mosque - Al-Sayadin

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