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Title:Al-Sharkia Governor surprises Belbeis city
News Date:May 26, 2024

Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, Governor of Al-Sharkia, made a surprise tour in Belbeis city to determine the level of services that are provided to citizens, follow up on the cleaning works and remove the occupancy from the main streets and squares.

The governor began his tour by inspecting Sheikh Omar district and issued his instructions to Dr. Jalal Abdel Karim, head of Belbeis city, to notify the owners of the empty lands inside and outside the urban space to fence them off in order to preserve them and prevent it from being random dumps.

The Governor was also keen to inspect one of the city's bakeries to monitor its progress and ensure the cleanliness of the tools and equipment that are used in preparing the bread.

The governor assigned the head of Belbeis city, in coordination with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Supply, to continue intensifying ration and inspection campaigns on bakeries, shops, and markets to control the prices, ensure the availability of goods and take the necessary legal procedures against the violators.

The Governor concluded his tour in Belbeis city by inspecting Ezbet Al-Kilaniyya and assigned the head of the center to prepare the necessary measurements for paving and raising the efficiency of the side streets, as he emphasized that the executive system is sparing no effort in improving the infrastructure and providing the best services to the citizens.

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