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Title:Al Sharkia Governor inspects the technical diploma examination committees for 2023/2024 in Zagazig.
News Date:May 25, 2024
Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, Al Sharkia Governor, stressed the necessity of adhering to all instructions and controls for taking exams, providing calm for students inside the exam committees, and preventing the entry of mobile phones and smart devices to ensure the regular conduct of exams, wishing his students excellence and success. This came during his inspection of the technical diploma examination committees for the academic year 2023/2024 at the Zagazig Military Agricultural Secondary School, the three-year system, affiliated with the East Zagazig Educational Administration, which includes 23 examination committees that accommodate 493 students to take the exam in the Arabic language subject, in the presence of Eng. Ali Abdel Raouf, undersecretary of The Ministry of Education, Mr. Amin Mansour, Director of the East Administration, and Mr. Jamal Gharib, Director of the West Zagazig Educational Administration. The governor reassured the students about the level of the exam and whether they had any complaints while taking the exam, noting that the exam committees were equipped with adequate lighting, fans, and coolers to overcome the air heat and provide an alternative source of electricity to avoid it being interrupted at any time so as not to affect the exam process and provide a calm atmosphere. It is suitable for students to perform exams easily. The governor moved to inspect the examination committees at Zagazig Industrial School for Girls No. 1, affiliated with the West Zagazig Educational Administration, which includes 18 committees that accommodate 346 female students to take the exam. He confirmed that coordination had been made with the Security Directorate to station security forces for the exam committees, as well as coordination with the Ambulance Facility to station ambulances in front of schools to confront any... Emergency circumstances and providing the necessary first aid. The governor expressed his sincere wishes of good luck and success to his male and female students, obtaining the highest grades and achieving advanced positions at the republic level.
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