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City and Center News
Title:Monitoring violating infringements and implementing immediate removals in the cradle within the local unit area of Saft Zureiq
News Date:November 12,2023

In implementation of the instructions of Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, Governor of Al-Sharkia, regarding removing illegal encroachments on agricultural lands and state property, taking all legal measures against violators and referring them to the military prosecution... and that laxity will not be allowed, especially in dealing with cases of encroachment on agricultural lands... and applying the law, preserving the state’s prestige, and restoring its rights.

Accountant Ahmed Dahi, head of the center and city of Derb Negm, stressed the intensification of efforts, traffic campaigns, and follow-up to monitor any violations, remove them immediately, and take legal measures against violators.

The head of the center, accompanied by the head of the local unit, Safat Zureiq, and the Land Protection Department of the Agricultural Administration, took the initiative to remove a number of (4) concrete foundations in excess of the license issued to a citizen in the village of Tal Al-Qadi.

Immediately, legal measures were taken against the violator, and everyone was strongly warned not to build without a license and not to violate the law, passing and following-up campaigns in the city continue day and night to monitor violations.

Source: Saft Zureiq
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