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مقدم الطلب




الوحدة المحلية


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عنوان مقدم الطلب

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رقم الطلب

موضوع الطلب

طلب تصريح بتوصيل مرافق للمبانى الجديدة 

مدة إنتهاء الطلب

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تاريخ إنتهاء الطلب


موقف التنفيذ


رأى الوحدة المحلية

Due to the demand for security CCTV, many households, shops, and pubs are installed. As a result, the CCTV because the device works on the basis of direct wire and cable transmission, the transmission signal is very stable and the speed is also dizzy, much more than Wifi models. market is increasingly diverse and rich in models and types you will not have to do much, if you are too busy to be present at work, you can look through the camera to know the status of each employee. At the same time, capture the number of customers entering https://anninhthoidai.com/cong-ty-lap-dat-camera-uy-tin-tai-nha.html and leaving the store  features and prices. This makes the user choice becomes more confusing, especially the real time of confusion as today.

رأى مديرية الزراعة

Using surveillance cameras via your phone you can monitor live images today, it incorporates very advanced observation and management technology, unlike traditional models. Users can be assured of this, especially the device also allows you to manage and view images projected from where the cameras are located. You can also review recorded images by day, month or an event thanks to the intelligent https://anninhthoidai.com/ data detection function.
However, the market today is filled with CCTV brands with many different origins that make consumers confused, not sure what to choose is reasonabl that means whether https://anninhthoidai.com/lap-dat-goi-camera-hikvision-2mp-5mp-8mp.html you are far away, you still know what is happening at home, or somewhere

رأى المساحة

that you have placed the surveillance camera. CCTV is generally used in a lot of different situations. Many families also have a headache when installing a CCTV in secret to detect maids who abuse their children, or the affair of spouses.
There are quite a few points you need to pay attention to to buy a good, quality CCTV product. First, you must determine the main needs and purposes https://vienthongso.net/cong-ty-lap-dat-camera-quan-sat-gia-re-tai-tphcm/ when installing. For example, if you only plan to have a CCTV in your house to keep an eye on your home security, buying a generic camera product has some basic functions.

أسم المسئول


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تم إنشاء في 12/12/2019 05:52 ص  بواسطة  
تم إجراء آخر تعديل في 12/12/2019 05:52 ص  بواسطة  
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